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Piper nigh.   HPI                                     2x

Nux vom.   HPI                                       3x

Thymus serp.  HPUS                               5x

Asafoetida  HPI                                     3x

Hydrastis can  HPI                                 3x

Lycopodium    HPI                                 2x

Coriandrum sativum                            5x

Carbo veg.     HPI                                  5x



Piper nig. : Gastric discomfort. Cramps and drawing in stomach. Inflammation of intestines with heaviness, flatulence, colic and cramps. Vomiting with great exertion.

Nux vomica : Frequent bitter and acid risings and inclination to vomit after or during a meal. Heart burn, water brush, aching, tension, fullness and distension of abdomen especially of epigastrium. Hungry but aversion to food.

Thymus serp. : Burning in pharynx, sore throat worse empty swallowing.

Asafoetida : Cutting and burning in stomach, flatulence and regurgitation of liquid.

Hydrastis can. : Bitter taste. Bread and vegetables cause acidity, weakness and indigestion. Vomits all that he eats. Acute distressing cutting pains in stomach, gastric and intestinal catarrh followed by ulceration.

Lycopodium : Slow digestion, burning, sour or bitter rising especially after a meal. Heart burn and vomiting. Aching in stomach and abdomen after every meal. Great appetite but small quantities make him feel bloated. Liver sensitive, Flatulency.

Coriandrum sativum : Prevents gripping & stomach ache.

Carbo veg : Digestion slow. Simplest food causes eructation, heaviness, fullness, sour risings, nausea and vomiting. Flatulent, cramp like colic with burning in stomach and abdomen.


Indications: Acidity, heart burn, water brush, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to food, cramps and colic in gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and cancer.


Dosage: Adults - 1 teaspoon three times daily after meals, Children: Half the adult dose.


Contra-indication: No known contra - indication.



100 ml.

450 ml.



100 ml. = Rs.80/-

450 ml. = Rs.270/-


For use by Registered Medical Practitioners only.






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IFMSA Homoeopathic Laboratory.

Peninsula, Purar phata, Mangaon, Dist.Raigad.
M.K.Heights, Shop No.10, Opp.Kurla Market,

C.S.T. Road, Kurla(West), Mumbai- 70.

Cell No: 91-98215 80244 , 91- 9423 610 684.

E mail:



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