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Cure Should Be Rapid Gentle Permanent & Most Natural

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Dr.Sirkhot's  S#3  Sinus Drops.

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  • Excessive sneezing.
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis.
  • Nasal polyp
  • Swelling of glands in children as well as adult.
  • Suppurative inflammation of nasal mucosa.
  • Lack of olfaction and taste.

Ingredients :






Indications :

Allergic rhinitis, characterized by an allergic response to pollen grains and other substances. There are two types: seasonal, which occurs only during the particular time of year in which certain plants pollinate, and perennial, which occurs all year round. Allergy symptoms are the usual reason adults miss work or even if they attend to the duties they are not attentive or depressed. It's hard enough to cope with allergies at work. Ask anyone who's ever dozed off in the middle of an important meeting because of allergy symptoms or medications.

People with year-round (perennial) allergic rhinitis are usually allergic to one or more allergens found indoors or outdoors. These include house dust mites, fumes, smoke, feathers, and animal dander (the tiny skin flakes animals such as cats and dogs shed along with fur), all of which may be found in pillows, and bedding, heavy draperies, and carpeting. Another common allergen, mold, is usually found in damp areas such as bathrooms and basements.

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis :

If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, it's because immune system of your body views otherwise harmless inhaled allergens as dangerous substances invading your body. Your system overreacts, flooding your bloodstream with chemicals like histamine, which inflame the lining of nasal passages, your sinuses and eyelids, and also set in sneezing.

All of these symptoms are meant to protect your body either by expelling the allergen or by swelling body areas, such as the nasal passages, so the allergen can't enter. As a result of congestion in the veins in the lining of your sinuses, dark circles, commonly known as allergic shiners, may appear under your eyes. If you have perennial allergic rhinitis, they may be present all year round. The swelling of your nasal membranes may also close the sinus drainage openings, causing sinusitis. Rhinitis may also be associated with nasal polyps -- small growths; nosebleeds are also common during attacks.

Allergic rhinitis is almost always an inherited trait (genetically determined). The majority of patients have a parent or sibling who also has allergies. People with asthma or eczema (allergic dermatitis) are more likely than others to develop allergic rhinitis; and about one-third of those with allergic rhinitis also have at least mild, intermittent allergic asthma.

This S#3 drop of Dr.Sirkhot formulated in such a manner that it addresses almost all allergic related symptoms and complications. It works very efficiently in acute and chronic catarrh of the nose and maxillary sinusitis, In nasal polypus, Lack of olfaction and taste.

Chronic sinusitis in general with depression

swelling of glands in scrofulous children. Suppurations, suppurative inflammation of nasal mucosa.

Catarrh of the maxillary sinuses

Dosage :

In acute conditions take every 1 -2 hours 10 drops in lukewarm water. In chronic conditions take 3-4 times daily 20 drops.

Recommendation :

In case of influenza, additional use of S#31 is recommended

S#8 and Asthasip additionally in asthma like symptoms or suppressed respiratory catarrh acute sub-acute or chronic.

Coughsip for any type of cough associated with allergic rhinitis and in pneumonitis and inter-costal neuralgia.

Presentation: 30ml.

Price : Rs.120/-

For use by Registered Medical Practitioners only.






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IFMSA Homoeopathic Laboratory.

Peninsula, Purar phata, Mangaon, Dist.Raigad.
M.K.Heights, Shop No.10, Opp.Kurla Market,

C.S.T. Road, Kurla(West), Mumbai- 70.

Cell No: 91-98215 80244 , 91- 9423 610 684.

E mail:



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