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Since last three decades, gradually people are turning towards Homoeopathy for many reasons. Some want to avoid the rising cost of Allopathic medicines, some for the side-effects with chemically assembled drugs. Others are convinced and experienced the afficacy of Homoeopathic system of medicines to enhance the individual's own immune system, which has been hampered due to exposure to chemicals, frequent use of antibiotics, and environmental pollution.

Homeopathy considers the patient as a whole when he/she is sick and so considers both the physical and mental aspects. Homeopathy acknowledges symptoms as outwardly reflected picture of internally deranged vital force. Minimal amounts of natural substances to treat patients, which mimic the body's symptoms, if given to the patient stimulates individual's immune system (Vital force) to regain his balance and support the natural healing process.

Homeopathy is a natural and scientific therapeutic method offering a personalized approach to each individual. The term "Homeopathy" means:

• HOMEO = Alike or similar
• PATHOS = Suffering or disease

Which means "like cures like".

Homeopathy is based on three basic principals:

 The law of similars
A natural substance administrated in larger doses to a healthy individual will exibit a particular set of symptoms, whereas this same substance if potentized and given in infinitesimal dosages can eliminate the similar set of symptoms in a diseased individual.

The law of potentization/dynamization
Homeopathic medicines are prepared from plant, animal, mineral, or chemical substances which are processed in order to obtain the mother tincture. This mother tincture is then diluted with alcohol in different ratio (1:9,1:99 etc.)and Trituration/ten jerks to the mixture and this is how potentization is done. This process of potentization/dynamization, as it is termed, thus repeated until the desired infinitesimal dilution is obtained.

The law of individualization
The homoeopathy considers each individual to be a unique person having his/her own set of physical and mental symptoms as well as his/her own hereditary predispositions. Hence Homeopathy treats the individual person as a whole and not his/her illness.

Hippocrates was the first to establish the law of similia but unfortunately, his theory was quickly forgotten. In 1790, -when Dr. Hahnemann was translating a book named Cullen's Materia medica volume 2, suddenly he came across the statement as the Peruvian bark used to cure ague fever because of its bitter & astringent properties. Dr.Hahnemann was dissatisfied by the author's statement. He felt that if substances having more bitterness, then why they wont cure the ague fever? He then decided to experiment it on himself and then his colleagues.  He observed that the substance Peruvian bark, administered in high dosage to a healthy individual, provoked an intermittent fever, and that this same remedy, taken in infinitesimal dosages, cured the symptoms in an individual suffering with this same type of fever. He demonstrated this principle on himself and his colleagues, and repeated experiments with other substances. The results were always very conclusive. In 1796, he published his theories and experiments based on the "vital force", the capacity of the individual's reaction in response to illness, as well as the law of similia.

In order to achieve maximum success of the treatment, avoid the consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and mint (toothpaste, chewing gum, cough syrups, etc.) during treatment. Also avoid inhaling strong smelling substances.

For infants who are breast fed, the mother may consume the remedy herself.

Homeopathic remedies may also be administered with a plastic dropper or diluted in the baby's bottle.

It is possible to take more than one homeopathic remedy at the same time. It is preferable to wait a few minutes between each remedy, or as recommended by your practitioner.

With few exceptions, there are no adverse effects in taking both allopathic and homeopathic remedies together. Please note that as with any drug, if pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of Homoeopathic doctor before using these products.

Keep all drugs out of reach of children.

If symptoms persist or get worsen, or if new symptoms appear, consult Homoeopathic doctor.
Homeopathic products have a very long shelf-life, when they are properly stored. Store them in a dry place, away from direct light. Do not refrigerate.



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IFMSA Homoeopathic Laboratory.

Peninsula, Purar phata, Mangaon, Dist.Raigad.
M.K.Heights, Shop No.10, Opp.Kurla Market,

C.S.T. Road, Kurla(West), Mumbai- 70.

Cell No: 91-98215 80244 , 91- 9423 610 684.

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