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Message From Dr.Sirkhot

Dear doctors,

“INSTANT, SAFE AND SURE” are the words that hold the key in today’s medical profession. As patients nowadays are more enlightened than ever, they want their problems to resolve quickly and in a very safe way. They are not ready to swallow the word “SIDE EFFECT”.  Chemically assembled drugs for the treatment of illnesses achieved increasing significance because of its quick effect, but simultaneous rise in harmful effects and unwanted side effects raise skepticism with regard to this mode of treatment.  This is what is exactly prompting doctors from all the faculties to adapt the modes which are fast acting, safe and sure at the same time. Doctors do not mind resorting to any mode of treatment. Hence we see significant changes nowadays in prescribing habits of doctors in favor of Homoeopathic formulations. We see quite a large number of Physicians and even surgeons prefer to prescribe Homoeopathic medicines for faster healing.

 On the other hand, some of the doctors who are qualified from Homoeopathic faculty and still they opt for Allopathic mode for treatment of patients, even though they know Homoeopathy is most scientific, most safe and most efficient system of medicine. The practical reason  being, lack of confidence because of the repeated failures face by them, Of course this attribute to lack of experience in selecting simillimum or  potency or insufficient repetition of well selected simillimum even in appropriate potency. They do this because they are taught in the same manner that they give single dose and wait for action of the given drug to repeat the second dose. Sometimes they overlook the potential of prescribed dose to produce reaction in the patient and keep waiting and watching just because they have been told to wait and watch, and also they are scared of attracting undue criticism from classical group of homoeopaths that they are doing non ethical practice.

As far as scientific Homoeopathic treatment is concerned, collecting all the mental generals and Physical generals, Particulars and grouping them for evaluation before repertorization is very important to determine the simillimum. After finding the simillimum "SINGLE DOSE" is the golden law of homeopathic prescriptions, thereafter observing changes in the patient for administering the second dose. However many concluded homeopathic prescriptions fail to produce desired action in patients due to our hesitations to repeat the doses sufficiently to produce action in a given patient, we could have avoided such failures by repeating the doses frequently and sufficiently enough to produce and maintain the drug action at optimum levels to affect a complete cure. However after repeated failures, doctors scared of loosing patients, get discouraged and ultimately they resort to Allopathic mode of treatment.

In my opinion instead of using chemically assembled drugs, doctors should follow at least law of simillia as foremost priority and use Homoeopathically assembled drugs, never mind frequently repeating the drugs even combining two or more drugs similar to totality, but only after strict observation of complimentary interrelations of each drug. Never mind who terms you what? a Wholeopath or a polypharmacist. Remember you are repeating and combining very diluted Homoeopathic medicines or else you are going to combine and repeat chemically assembled crude drugs which are more harmful to your patients and to your society and to your community.

As it is observed that patients having complexity in their food habits and lifestyle require repeated and complex doses. And patients having simplicity in their food habits and lifestyle require simple doses. Looking at the life style of today’s world we hardly find even a bit of simplicity anywhere. In such conditions using single and simple dose regime to treat patients seems very very difficult, though prescriptions having simple and single drug is most scientific and one should learn the scientific skills of single and simple prescriptions, still if any doctor prefers to, Homoeopathic combinations or formulae of Homoeopathically assembled drugs, over chemically assembled drugs he is making a right decision towards his community, he wants to serve.




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IFMSA Homoeopathic Laboratory.

Peninsula, Purar phata, Mangaon, Dist.Raigad.
M.K.Heights, Shop No.10, Opp.Kurla Market,

C.S.T. Road, Kurla(West), Mumbai- 70.

Cell No: 91-98215 80244 , 91- 9423 610 684.

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